Les Maitres et Elèves par ordre alphabétique

Organ builder
Craft National Living Treasures 1995
The Aubertin organs are true creations, each being adapted to a unique person and to a precise place. The choice of proportions, governing the visual aspect, must be closely linked to the tone.
Bernard Aubertin is a “biological” organ maker and refuses the “an organ can play any music”, using traditional materials. The main goal being for the artist to create a made-to-measure instrument , both living and welcoming, able to give pleasure and surprise again and again. Precise research aimed at finding the right materials and techniques to make the instrument live several centuries, leads the craftsman to varied technical and sound innovations.
Bernard Aubertin is also asked, all over the world, to restore ancient organs. His workshops are situated in an old priory destroyed by different wars, abandoned and restored by the craftsman since 1978.